Opportunities are available for all ages!
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Bless Every Home!
A Prayer Model
A Care Model
A Share Model
For 2022
High Definition
Sunday School
Nursery: Birth - 1 yr
Children's Ministry
All adults are welcome to join our choir. You don't have to read music -- just love to sing for the Lord! Our choir is led by Grayson Still. Rehearsal is each Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary choir loft. Come join us as we lead our church in Praise and Worship each Sunday during the morning worship hour.
Our Mission Groups
Meet each Wednesday @ 6PM
Once a Month, on the Fourth Wednesday
All groups
Children & Adults
meet together for
Missions on Journey
in the Joyseekers
Sunday School Class
Also known as our
Branchites 15:4 Group!
For preschoolers through 5K
Branchites 15:4 meet in the Ed Bldg
@ 6PM.
For more information please call or e-mail the church office.
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.