Reaching the Community One Person at a time
Reaching the Community One Person at a time


Redds Branch Baptist Church

390 Redds Branch Road

Aiken, SC 29801

(803) 648-3194


Sunday Mornings @ the Branch

Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.

Listen from your car on campus                           Tune into 90.1FM


Sundays @ 9:45 AM


Join us and visit the link below for the Bible App



PodCast for this week

"Where is Your Heart?"

Psalm 37:4


Click the link to listen the Podcast



FEB 9, 2025 WEB.mp3
MP3 audio file [13.0 MB]


Click to Download, then when download is complete,

click the file on your device to play.

Older Podcasts are under the 'Links of Interest" Tab.



Contact us via email at



Bulletin for this week


Bulletin for 2- 9-2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.1 MB]

Redd's Branch is a caring and compassionate church which, like Jesus, accepts everyone and is committed to serving our neighbors, community, and world.  We want you to come to know us and learn how you might be a part of our mission in the world.  Redd's Branch is a place you can explore your walk with God.  You will discover ways to deepen your faith and find new friends when you worship with us.

A note from the Pastor

Dear Awesome Church Family,


We are meeting inside the sanctary for worship

each Sunday @ 10:30 AM




If you are not feeling well please stay at home and get better!

Family Rooms Will be Opened

Please call the church office to reserve one of the rooms.  Nursery, Willing Workers class & Office.  


Tune in to 90.1 FM   (Also Wednesday Evenings)

Drive-up Services continue simultaneously

Recorded Web cast online & available for download and listening.

If you chose to remain in the Parking Lot  (note: Lower level parking is where the shade is)

Please Tune to 90.1 FM to listen to Service



New Ministry

For Children 

4-K & 5K





Branchites 15:4 

Wednesdays @ 6:00 PM


Bible Stories





The permission form below must be

printed & filled out to participate in

all off campus activities.  

You can also attain a copy

from the church office.


Please return completed forms

to the church office.

Next Baptism Dates




Redd's Branch Baptist Church


390 Redd's Branch Rd

Aiken, SC 29801


Phone:  (803) 648-3194



Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

9AM - 1PM




Please take the time to fill out a Connect Form.


(Provided below)


Join Us For    Worship



Worship in sanctuary, in


or in your car

(Listen on 90.1 FM)


Each Sunday 

10:30 - 11:30 AM


Each Wednesday

@ 6:00 PM


NURSERY Available!


No Evening Worship Services

at this time




Connect Form

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 Sunday School

9:30 a.m.

each week


Worship in sanctuary--

10:30 AM



You can reserve

a classroom for your family

or stay & listen from your car--


Each Sunday 

10:30 - 11:30 AM




Drive-up and neighborhood Worship will be available on 

90.1 FM



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© RBBC 2024