Reaching the Community One Person at a time
Reaching the Community One Person at a time

NOTE:  Scroll to bottom of page if you are a church member and need to revise your contact information. 

Adobe Acrobat document [14.1 KB]

Mark your Calendar!

Feb-Mar calendar.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [489.4 KB]

New Theme

THRIVE in 25!

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

John 10:10 NIV

Each Sunday Morning

@ 10:30AM

For children 4K & UP


Children meet in the sanctuary and then are dismissed for their own time of worship.

Missions on Journey

We meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month

@ 6PM in the JoySeeker's Classroom.

This is a special meeting and

all age groups meet together.
















Senior Adult Ministry

Joyful Hearts



Our Next Fellowship / Meeting

will be held on

Friday, November 22nd




All seniors are invited!


Church Bulletins

Bulletin for 2-2-2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.1 MB]

Pictures of

The Branch on the Go!

Joyful Hearts

Savannah River Tour

Day out to Aiken Museum and Applebee's

Branchites to SPCA


1.  God

2.  Family

3.  Yourself

4.  Neighbor

5.  The Other



Share God's Love

And Bless Every Home!


 Evening Services are temporarily        postponed until        further notice.


New Sunday Evenings

@ The Branch



  • Congregational Singing
  • Special Music
  • Messages to lift your spirit.


Daily Strength Training Time

2 minutes of quiet & pause, stoppage of all business and thought—Listen to God!


5 minutes of praise and prayer—Focus on the Will of God for you!


3 minutes to focus on prayer for family & friends & neighbors and do not forget people who need Jesus!


19 minutes of intense Bible study...not just reading but study...Use a study Bible


1 minute cool down exercise of Joy and Juice…



We envision a church empowering every member to find their place of ministry by helping them discover, develop, and use their God given gifts and talents.


I suggest you journal your journey with God during 2023.










RBBC Update Card

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Please use forms provided below and turn in to the church office to schedule calendar dates, to request rooms or facility for meetings/events.  

RBBC Forms

Adobe Acrobat document [41.1 KB]
2018 Facility Use Policy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [142.5 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [35.0 KB]


 Sunday School

9:30 a.m.

each week


Worship in sanctuary--

10:30 AM



You can reserve

a classroom for your family

or stay & listen from your car--


Each Sunday 

10:30 - 11:30 AM




Drive-up and neighborhood Worship will be available on 

90.1 FM



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© RBBC 2024